Most of you will have seen this on the largest RC sites, as well as in your email by now.
Basically beginning 12/21 if you intend to fly any model from .55 to 55 lbs you will need to register with the FAA for an operator number and certificate. You will be required to apply your number to all of your models you intend to fly. Here's a link to RCGroups as their podcast is a good listen, ending with the FAA media call.
And here's the FAA site itself
Registration will require name, address and a credit card to verify. The charge will be $5 but if you register within the first 30 days, this will be credited back to your card. (So FREE if you get in early.) I'd be surprised if there weren't some slowness or glitches in the early going, so if you can't get in right on the 21st, pick a slower time, or wait a week or so, perhaps.
DCAMRC Flying Club
Douglas County AeroModelers is a club for radio control flyers, model builders, and hobbyists. The club was established in 1977 and continues to promote model building and flying for Douglas County residents and others interested in this exciting sport. The club is chartered with the national Academy of Model Aeronautics, the governing body for radio control sport flying.
Kurtis has started a DCAMRC Shutterfly site here. Be sure to check it out, as that may be the focal point for uploading photos, videos and such... while we make the front page more about the club and field itself, getting joined up, etc. (You'll have to register for a free Shutterfly account, and ask Kurtis to add you to the site. It's a fairly painless process :) )
Also don't forget to checkout our
Group links